Limits and feautures
Verify your enabled tools and account limits
Last updated
Verify your enabled tools and account limits
Last updated
When you create an Oshinstar account you will be limited in what you can do, including earning financial benefits by inviting and referring a friend to Oshinstar. Limitations disappear when you check your email address.
You can check which tools you have enabled/disabled, as well as your account limits in the Limits and Features section of the Settings section.
To view your Oshinstar account limits and features:
Enter the Menu in the upper right corner and then tap Settings .
In the Account section, tap Limits and features.
You will be able to view information corresponding to your Oshinstar account storage capacity limit, allowing you to upload up to 5.0 GB of material per week and 50.0 GB total to your account.
Depending on the checks you have performed on your account, you will have a set level and number of enabled tools that you can use.
Phone number
Personal data
Passport or ID
In Limits and Features you will be able to visualize which verifications you have performed and which verifications you need to perform to obtain all the benefits and the desired level of your account.
At the end of the section you will have a direct access to proceed with the confirmation of your email and your identity. These are essential requirements to access all the functions offered by the platform.