Give feedback or report
Report or denounce any offensive and/or dangerous profile or content.
One of the main methods that Oshinstar has to maintain order in the community is the blocking or reporting system, through which you can block or report the content or profile that publishes inappropriate content. You can find more detailed information in the Community Guidelines.
Report content that you consider inappropriate
Harassment of a user should not be taken lightly. If you have ever felt threatened by malicious content on Oshinstar and the Remove or Block has not worked and you wish to prevent it from continuing so that the offender does not engage in this violence with other users, the first step is to report it. By doing this, you collaborate with a healthier community.
In case you are not a victim, but you notice this type of situation, you should also warn us immediately.
To report an inappropriate profile on Ohsinstar:
Go to the profile you want to block.
On their profile card, press ⋮ located on the right.
Select the Give feedback or Report [username] option.
Write here why you are denouncing this account.
Confirm and tap Report [username].
What does Oshinstar do with the reports?
The Oshinstar team is in charge of studying your case and as soon as possible, in order to give sanctions, such as removing the reported content or profile.
Oshinstar does not disclose any personal information of the victim or complainant, if he/she decides to contact the person responsible for the acts.
In addition, Oshinstar has regulations that govern the taking of any action. Therefore, a report is not guaranteed to be removed, unless the Oshinstar Terms and Conditions are broken.
Depending on the case and seriousness of the matter, remember that any threatening or offensive situation should be reported to people you trust or to the authorities, especially if you are a minor or in danger.
We rely on all members of the Oshinstar community to report or flag content they consider inappropriate.
When a report is filed against a video, photo or track, we do not automatically remove it from the platform, but review it according to the following guidelines:
Content that violates the Community Guidelines is removed from Oshinstar.
An age restriction may be applied to content that is not appropriate for younger audiences.
Last updated
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