Report a problem with Oshinstar
This process is for reporting that something is not working properly in Oshinstar, for example, if there is a problem with a feature or a payment.
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This process is for reporting that something is not working properly in Oshinstar, for example, if there is a problem with a feature or a payment.
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This process is for reporting that something is not working properly in Oshinstar, for example, if there is a problem with a feature or a payment.
Reports from people in Oshinstar help us identify and fix problems when something is not working correctly. Please provide details (e.g., add a screenshot and description) to help us track down the problem.
To report that something is not working:
Enter the Menu at the top right and then tap Report Error.
Add a title for the error.
Identify a category for the error:
Account, Access, Media Upload, Exchange, Like and comment, Add / change information, Translation problem, Technical inconvenience, Other.
Select a Discord Channel.
In detail, add description of the error.
Select the file from the gallery and attach a screenshot of the error.
Tap Submit bug report.
We appreciate you taking the time to report problems as they occur, as this helps us improve Oshinstar.