Its popularity
Get to know the community better through the users who interact with it.
Discover the popularity of any Oshinstar member that interests you by accessing the Popularity section.
To view the followers and followers of the profile you are visiting:
Go to Discover at the bottom left of Oshinstar.
Tap the Username/Display Name or Avatar Image of the profile you want to visit. You will be taken to a section where you will find the most popular Oshinstar profiles. You can scroll down or up to continue viewing more profiles. If you want to continue viewing the selected profile, tap its Username/Display Name or Cover Presentation again.
Tap the Popularity button below their See Detail botón.
By accessing the popularity of the profile you are visiting, you will be able to display several tabs with the number of followers and followers the account has. You will also see a tab dedicated to users who follow each other.
You will have a filter with a series of parameters to help you sort, filter and classify those users who interact with the account you are visiting.
Last updated
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