Login help

Here you can find some of the most common problems when logging in, as well as tips that may be useful for accessing your account:

If your email or password is not working

Make sure you are logged out and use the password reset. If you get the message that there is no account with that email, enter the possible email addresses you have. When you receive the message that we have sent a reset link, you will know what your login email is.

If you do not receive the password reset email:

  • Add [email protected] to your email contact list and request another reset link.

  • If you use a private domain, contact your domain host and ask them to add [email protected] to their secure email list.

If you’re unable to verify your device

  • Try logging in again and wait 15 minutes for a new verification link to reach you before retrying.

  • Check that you’re using the most recent link we’ve sent you

  • Make sure you’re verifying on the same device you are attempting to access your account on (i.e., verify on your desktop if you want to log in on your desktop)

If you’re not receiving the device verification email

  • Add [email protected] to your email contact list, and then log in again to trigger another verification link to send

  • If you are using a personal domain, contact your domain host and ask that they add [email protected] to your email safe list

SMS 2-factor authentication isn’t working

  • Check that the SMS code you are entering is correct and current

  • If you’ve requested a resend several times, wait 15 minutes before trying again

  • Reach out to your mobile carrier and have them check that all texts are sending

Account already exists message

You may have requested that we disable your account in the past. You can either create an account with an alternate email address or reach out to our support team, and we’ll be able to help you clear this up.

Last updated

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