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Chat directly with a community member on their Oshinstar profile.
Oshinstar is one of the social networks with the most functionality.
Apart from viewing content of interest, when you visit any profile, you will have the ability to chat with that community member.
To chat with a community member on their Oshinstar profile:
Go to Discover at the bottom left of Oshinstar.
Tap the Username/Display Name or Avatar Image of the profile you want to visit. You will be taken to a section where you will find the most popular Oshinstar profiles. You can scroll down or up to continue viewing more profiles. If you want to continue viewing the selected profile, tap its Username/Display Name or Cover Presentation again.
Tap the Chat button below their avatar image to chat directly with the user.
One of the most interesting features of the Oshinstar chat is that it is a feature-rich method of communication.
Its use, in fact, is not limited to simple text messages, but it also integrates some options that we are sure you will find really interesting.
In addition to chatting via Oshinstar, you can attach or perform the following actions:
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