How it works
Keep Track of your Earning
Keep Track of your Earning
Talent, companies and/or professionals in the entertainment industry have tools with which they can track the revenue they receive through Oshinstar.
It's very simple...
Create a detailed profile.
Discover and connect with talents, companies and/or professionals from anywhere.
Build your network of connections.
Share your creations and increase your interactions.
Search or post events and job applications.
Reinventing the way we socialize
At Oshinstar you can ...
Discover talents, companies and/or professionals classified by categories and skills through powerful and accurate filters.
Create efficient workflows and unlimited opportunities.
Create and attend events and projects anywhere.
Smart search that makes a difference
Your talent is valuable and should be shown to the world. Add valuable information to your profile and get better positioning and visibility.
Add detailed information about yourself.
Upload high quality images.
Upload audio and videos that showcase your talent.
By your side to grow every day
Keep your professional profile updated by sharing quality content that showcases your talent. Doing so will increase your visibility on our platform and the level of trust among your followers.
Connect with the whole community and the world.
Interact with your followers. Find service requests according to your skills. The best event in your location or wherever you are, find them here.
Last updated
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