Share your tracks

Upload your song, music or audio quickly and easily

Put your tracks within everyone's reach. Upload songs to Oshinstar and create your playlist.

When you upload the music, you can use Oshinstar to play it, share it and enjoy this experience.

If you are an emerging artist and you want your material to be available within the platform, you also have the opportunity to do so.

To add and share your tracks and collections in Oshinstar:

  1. Enter your Profile in the lower right part of Oshinstar.

  2. Select the Tracks section and tap Pick your audios or βž•.

  3. Select Upload your song or Create collection. Upload a file up to 100MB in .mpeg or midi format. Collections are a way to keep your photos organized.

  4. Long press the track you want to load and confirm the action.

  5. Tap Add a title and add a title for your track or collection.

  6. Tap Add the author and add the name of the author of the track or collection you are loading.

  7. Confirm that the material is original or you have permission for its publication.

  8. If you wish, tap the uploaded photo, ✏️ or Upload thumbnail to delete or change the selected track.

  9. Tap Add details to add all the corresponding information to your post.

  10. If you want to customize who can listen to your track or collection, press πŸ‘₯ and select an option:

    • Oshinstar Members

    • Everybody

    • Your followers

    • Private If you want to share your post privately, tap πŸ‘₯ or Share privately and select the user.

  11. If you want to add any extra content, tap πŸ“·and choose the content you want to add from your reel or camera.

  12. If you want to sell your content, tap πŸ’° and set a price for your track or collection.

  13. If you want to customize who can see your publication, tap πŸ‘₯and select an option:

    • Oshinstar Members

    • Everybody

    • Your followers

    • Private If you want to share your post privately, tap πŸ‘₯ or Share privately and select the user.

  14. Tap ⬆️ and select when to publish your Track.

  15. Press Upload Track.

ISRC: The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a 12-character alphanumeric code that is assigned to a piece of music for commercial release. The code allows the rights holder, whether an independent artist or a major label, to identify and track the "life" of their recording.

ISWC: The International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) is a unique, permanent and internationally recognized reference number for the identification of musical works.

BARCODE: A UPC barcode (or Universal Product Code) is used to represent and track your music as an entire physical or digital product, in contrast to an ISRC code which represents individual tracks or sound recordings.


Last updated